Thursday, July 1, 2010

UBD Creators

Here are creators who i know and aren't in UBD but contribute for the clan :

~ Rikyudoo (myself). My public Spore page :

~ BongoBongo123, one of my friends.

~ d-rob604, we have good contacts.

~ An excellent UBD creator, he has a beautiful style. We are really great friends.

~ Frogger1093, he has a nice stuff.

~ Gmaster101, he is an excellent UBD friend, and one of the best.

~ ImperialMeteora, one of my best friends actually ; a future militia member...take care.

~ jamesnk, a great friend again, he is a young UBD creator, but he's amazing.

~ LordodDestiny, he is a good famous creator.

~ SQUIRM77, he is one of the best mech creators, and UBD is really his style. Good friend.

~ Shibby1313, one of the best of the list, i can bet she will be the new militia member.

~ Fritopie, i don't really know him but he has an excellent level, so i put him in this message.

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