Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thank you and sorry

I have to say a big thank you for everyone who rated me, but i have to say a big sorry because i got too mass-ratings, i didn't deserve it, and i was stupid because i shared too many creations at the same time, and i did an invasion in the mpn. I'm sorry, and i will make a creation to excuse me.

Cheers your Analyst Rikyudoo.

Spore Aliens / Humanoids Creators

Here are all the creators i really admire, and all are specialist at making humanoids...

II) Spore humanoids creators

~ Azulon

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~ Confucius08

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~ Darksidetk

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~ fluxtrox

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~ Itsyourbadkarma

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~ Karl-EL

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~ Matzo

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~ N-Minus

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~ The88

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~  The_gOd_Machine

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~ THX1113

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~ Xervantez

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They are awesome, check out their links !

Spore Talents

I discovered many creators with talent, so really awesome, and i would like to show you their work :

I) Old creators

~ Aeron100

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~ Antroz94

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~ daddydarwin

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~ Darksphere

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~ deniz23

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~ Denni78

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~ fabio5044

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~ Likestyle

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~ Macmatmil

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~ MichaeI88

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I hope you like them, they are awesome.

See you soon !